Customer Service

Shopping Information

We have used every effort to ensure that shopping on the Internet with is safe and secured. Our secured server software encrypts your personal payment information sent over the Internet. Payments are processed using latest encryption methods. We are fully compliant with the PCI Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) and our systems are externally monitored to ensure data is secure.

In processing your order, your information may have to be sent over the Internet more than once. At no point is your order information sent in this way without encryption. We will not trade, resell, sell, or redistribute information that you provide to us, to any other companies, organizations or individuals.

Price Information

Our online store follows a dynamic pricing structure; hence, the pricing for products may vary from time to time. The customer must visit the website to know the latest pricing of all the products. The prices displayed online are only applicable to purchases made via website. Special Offers and promotions advertised in the press or any other media may be excluded unless specifically advertised as available online. All prices displayed online are correct, the customer can purchase for the same price, and no hidden charges are applicable. All online prices are inclusive of VAT and it will be added to the final total due. If you hold a VAT exemption certificate, or for areas where VAT does not apply, please contact us directly by emailing at or by phone on Tel: +971-6-7656429

We reserve the right to correct the price where an error has occurred, howsoever caused, resulting in an incorrect price being given by us or displayed online. In these circumstances, you will not be bound to continue with your purchase. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of all information contained within our site. If, for whatever reason, we are unable to fulfill your order we will offer the nearest possible alternative or issue a full refund, if payment has already been processed.

Product Purchase

To order through our online store, please follow the below steps:

Step 1: Please select the “Register” option on the top right-hand side corner of our website. Registered customers please “sign in” to your account.

Step 2: You will be directed to Create an Account page, where you will have to enter all mandatory information to register with us. Registered customers will be re-directed to home page.

Step 3: Account Activation. Please wait until you receive further information from us.

Step 4: Choose the product that you wish to order through our website. Enter the right “quantity” in the text box available next to Add to cart option and add the same to your cart. If any product is out of stock, please feel free to send us an enquiry, using “Enquiry” option or use the “Chat” option available at the bottom corner of the page and we will get back to you on the details of when the product will be next available or with an alternate option immediately.

Step 5: Incase, if you are unable to find any product from our catalog, or should you have a question, please feel free to chat with us, we will respond to you instantly.

Step 6: After making product selection, please use “Go to Cart” link, where you will be able to review and amend your order before proceeding to checkout.

Step 7: You will be prompted with details of shipping address, please enter the address where the delivery is required. You also have option of saving multiple addresses. Click on “Continue”.

Step 8: Once you choose “Place Order” the page will take you through a third-party payment authorization interface to process your chosen payment method.

Step 9: Once we receive the payment, the order will be generated and a page with your order details and order ID will be displayed.

Minimum order value to place order through our online store is be 499 AED/-. If the order is lesser than that, then 30 AED/- of delivery charge is applicable.

If you need to amend your order after it has been generated, please contact us either by email from your registered email ID or telephone at

Tel: +971-6-7656429 (Sat-Thu 9.00am-7.00pm). We will confirm with a receipt of your order by sending an email to you.

All orders placed on are subject to stock availability and to the validation checks described in section 4. Our website operates on an ‘invitation to treat’ basis and not as an ‘offer for sale’ as a result, Sign Souk International Co. LLC reserves the right to decline orders for bulk, high value or otherwise suspicious purchases. Please note that the only language in which the contract can be concluded is English. All orders placed and confirmed online shall be treated as the signed legal Purchase Order.

In addition, in the interests of preventing fraud may validate the names, addresses and other information supplied during the registration, against our registered records. We may need to contact you by telephone or email to further verify details before we are able to confirm your registration, or we may be unable to accept your order. We will not be liable for any delay or non-delivery whilst such checks are carried out.

Product Description

(i) The description provided to the Goods in any quotation or contract is given by way of identification thereof only and the descriptions and illustrations contained in the Company’s catalogues, price lists and advertising material are intended merely to present a general idea of the Goods.

(ii) Dimensions quoted are nominal sizes only and subject to industry standard tolerances.

Third Party Products

Sign Souk does allows third party sellers to list and sell their products at Sign Souk store. In each such case this is indicated on the respective product detail page, while Sign Souk helps facilitate transactions that are carried out on the Sign Souk marketplace.

Products that are listed in Sign Souk in 3P Products Category are from Manufactures/Distributors. As part of Sign Souk services, we offer a wide range of products through Third party seller category and we will recommend products that may interest you through our digital marketing platform. Customers are requested to read every detail such as specification (If any), application and warning before making a purchase.

All, our materials are sold as raw materials. Manufacturing tolerances are expected, and in situation where this information is required prior to your purchase, it is assumed to be buyer’s responsibility.

If you require specific tolerances – please contact the sales office to discuss your requirements.

Reproduction of color online is as accurate as photographic and electronic processes will allow. Also, the products which are manufactured in each batch carry a slight color variation, due to chemical composition of the products.

All goods are subject to availability. We endeavor to hold sufficient stock to meet all orders and purchases based on historical forecasting, if we have insufficient stock to supply or deliver the goods ordered and paid for by you, we will attempt to contact you using the details you have provided to us to ask you how you wish to proceed. Were goods being out of stock and you choose not to proceed with all or part of your order due to a change of lead time, we will refund you the price paid for such goods as soon as possible.


All information supplied by or on behalf of in relation to the products displayed on this site, on the nature of data, recommendations or otherwise, is supported by manufacturer’s research and believed reliable. Our online store does not hold any liability, whatsoever in respect to application, processing and use made or for any infringement of the rights owned or controlled by a third party in intellectual, industrial based on the product information or any consequences thereof.  The buyer is liable for any product purchased, for better clarity he/she should verify the quality, usage and processing methods of an item based on the information provided in the data sheet by the manufacturer before placing an order.

Details of manufacturer’s guarantee or warranty certificates are available on request. If you would like to receive a copy of a warranty or guarantee for a product prior to purchase, please email to

After-sales Support

For any after sales support you can contact us by writing an email on or by calling us on +971-6-7656429.